10 Vegan Holiday Jokes To Make You Laugh Into Your Tofurkey

10 Vegan Holiday Jokes To Make You Laugh Into Your Tofurkey

Laugh or groan, these vegan holiday jokes are better than anything you'll find in a cracker


2 Minutes Read

A group of friends telling jokes round a Christmas dinner table What do vegans sing in December? - Media Credit: Adobe Stock
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The holidays are when bad jokes come into their own, but we don’t want you relying on Christmas crackers for an easy giggle.

We’ve pulled together 10 of our favorite festive gags that we hope will make you smirk, or at least pull a good-natured eye-roll. At the very least, you should be able to give older members of the family a run for their money in the cringey joke department…

So, if you want to prove that vegans really do have a sense of humor and can be the life of the party, make a note of some of these jokes and have them ready for your festive shindigs.

People sharing jokes at the Christmas dinner table
Adobe Stock Sharing jokes at the dinner table is an age-old festive tradition

10 vegan holiday jokes

1. What do vegans sing in December?

Christmas Kales.

2. What does plant-based Santa eat for breakfast?


3. Why do sheep like vegan holiday sweaters?

Because they’re not baaaaa-d for them.

4. What’s red and green and guides Santa’s sleigh?

Rudolph the red-nosed pickle.

5. What do vegan bodybuilders eat at Christmas?

Muscle sprouts.

6. What are turkeys most thankful for during the holidays?


7. What is the most vegan Christmas song?

Have yourself a merry lentil Christmas.

8. Can I tell you a vegan Christmas joke?

I promise it won’t be cheesy.

9. Why did the nut roast cross the road?

To prove that it wasn’t a chicken (or a turkey!).

10. Why is Santa vegan?

Because it’s good for his elf.

Got any better vegan jokes for the holidays? Tweet us @PlantbasedNews.

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