Books - Plant Based News Disrupting The Conventional Narrative Wed, 24 May 2023 21:57:03 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Books - Plant Based News 32 32 183434871 Sam Bentley Releases ‘Hopeful’ New Book: ‘Good News, Planet Earth’ Fri, 24 Feb 2023 18:52:31 +0000 Vegan content creator Sam Bentley has written a new book of positive environmental news

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Vegan environmentalist Sam Bentley has announced that he’s written a book on the “hopeful developments combating climate change.”

Good News, Planet Earth will focus on positive environmental stories. It will include a number of  examples of efforts to combat the climate crisis around the world. 

“Do you feel like climate change is just getting worse and there’s nothing you can do to stop it?,” the synopsis reads. “Good news – there are tons of efforts already underway to save our planet, and we’d love for you to join the fight.”

Bentley, who is well-known on social media for his positive news reels, said he was “super excited” about the release. 

“If you often feel overwhelmed by negative news about the state of our environment, I created this book to be a source of hope and inspiration, as well as give you practical tools to make a difference in the world,” he said in a statement on Instagram. 

Click here to pre-order Sam Bentley’s book Good News, Planet Earth on Amazon

Since Bentley announced the release on social media, he has received a number of pre-orders and a great deal of support from his followers. “It feels completely surreal,” he told Plant Based News. “I’ve been blown away by the love for the book. Reading through the comments brought me to tears – just seeing the desire from people to have a book like this in the world.”

‘Good News, Planet Earth’

The book is said to be both accessible and easy to understand. According to Bentley, it’s an ideal gift for an environmentally conscious friend or family member.

It contains 25 chapters, which cover ocean-cleanup innovations, composting initiatives, and animal rights activism. Also covered are solar power advancements, efforts to greenify public spaces, public transportation solutions, and more.

There are also 100 “actionable steps” that people can take to be part of the “positive change” for our planet. 

If you purchase something through a link on our site, Plant Based News may earn a commission, which helps us to provide our free services to millions of people each week.

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Sixty Harvests Left: Existential Threat Of The Food System Laid Bare In New Book Tue, 20 Dec 2022 22:52:24 +0000 We have gotten ourselves into this mess, but there's still time to undo the damage, Philip Lymbery maintains in his new book

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Compassion in World Farming chief executive Philip Lymbery has released a new book that highlights the impending doom facing humanity as a result of unsustainable Big Agriculture.

Sixty Harvests Left paints a bleak picture of where we are heading if factory farming is allowed to continue. It piggybacks onto the United Nations’ warning that all of the world’s viable soils could disappear within one lifetime.

Compassion in World Farming is a global farm animal welfare organization. As its leader, Lymbery is uniquely positioned to combine experience with scientific research to call for a food system overhaul.

While the focus of Sixty Harvests Left is inherently concerning, Lymbery offers hope. He suggests ways to prevent food production from condemning the natural world to an avoidable demise.

“At the heart of sustainable change lies a recognition that all life on our planet is interconnected, and that our future depends on treating it with compassion and respect. In so doing, we can protect the world’s wildlife and soils as if our life depends on it – because it does,” Lymbery said.

Philip Lymbery, author of Sixty Harvests Left and CEO of Compassion In World Farming
Peter Marshall / Alamy Stock Photo Philip Lymbery, the CEO of Compassion in World Farming, has penned a new book

Sixty Harvests Left: putting factory farming on blast 

Industrialized farming is undeniably the villain of the piece. Therefore, Lymbery cites hard-hitting statistics that underscore the impact of animal rearing on the climate and our planet’s resources.

He starts by issuing a reminder that 37 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions are generated by food production. From here, he implicates meat as an ineffective sector that is as wasteful as it is dangerous.

“Back on the factory farm, the presence of so many animals in close proximity creates a melting pot for disease, providing Big Ag with the opportunity to sell antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals to farmers,” Lymbery writes in his “Winter” chapter.

“It is no coincidence that 73 percent of the world’s stock of antibiotics goes to farmed animals, largely to ward off diseases associated with intensive farming. The biggest six drug companies rely on the animal farming sector for $9 billion of sales each year. These enormous numbers show how Big Ag thrives while animals and the countryside suffer, and ordinary farmers go to the wall.”

Lymbery informs readers about the risks of zoonotic diseases (which he calls “pandemics on a plate”) and wild species decline. He then delivers a killer blow, revealing that 36 percent of all edible crops (enough to sustain half the world) are used for animal feed.

Finally, Lymbery suggests an alternative to food production as we know it.

Cows in an industrial farm
Adobe Stock Our food system is destroying our planet, Lymbery stresses

Restoration and regeneration

The final chapter of Sixty Harvests Left showcases why a move away from animal products is essential for survival. Alongside, Lymbery spotlights the work of those looking to restore a natural balance to food production.

He states that moving away from industrial to regenerative farming techniques would not be a regression. Instead, he calls it progress which will prevent catastrophic breakdown in sixty harvests’ time. 

Rewilding is called for on a massive scale and Lymbery also supports newer farming methodologies with sustainability at their core. These include vertical farming developments and the production of climate-friendly plant proteins to feed the ever-growing global population.

What could have been a depressing overview of the damage already done to the planet somehow retains an optimistic vibe. Moreover, it offers practical advice. Lymbery has not lost hope and nor have his supporters.

“In this beautifully written book Philip Lymbery describes how intensive agriculture harms the environment and inflicts suffering on sentient animals,” environmental campaigner Dr. Jane Goodall said in a statement. “But after visiting with and talking to those on the front line – scientists, farmers and food providers, he is able to show that there are sustainable alternatives. And that they are working. There is indeed hope for the future of our planet, and each one of us can play a part.”

Sixty Harvests Left is available to buy in hardback and paperback now. Click here to buy.

If you purchase something through a link on our site, Plant Based News may earn a commission, which helps us to provide our free services to millions of people each week.

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Stic’s New Book Spotlights The 5 ‘Revolutionary’ Pillars Of Wellbeing And Happiness Sat, 03 Dec 2022 05:18:48 +0000 A new book by Stic delves into the five principles of wellness

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American hip-hop artist, activist, father, certified running coach, and author Khnum “Stic” Ibomu just released his new book, The 5 Principles: A Revolutionary Path to Health, Inner Wealth, and Knowledge of Self. It explores Stic’s integrative, non-preachy, and humble approach to wellness. It also looks at how others can develop their own unique and customized wellbeing practices that work for them. 

To celebrate the release of his new book, Stic kicked off the “STRIVE FOR THE FIVE” event series at Gifted BK (an art and culture space in Brooklyn, NY) this past October 8, 2022.

The event was actually a very enlightening panel discussion hosted by Marlon Rice (an advocate for community service in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn). The discussion featured Stic alongside four guest speakers (who he hand selected) to break down each one of the 5 Principles in his new book.  

American hip hop artist stic at the launch of his new wellness book
ANGIELMV Stic’s book is described as a “humble approach” to wellness

The Five Principles of Wellness

The 5 Principles are as follows: Knowledge, Nutrition, Fitness, Rest, Consistency. The event featured talks from experts on each of these principles. Here’s what they said.

1 – Principle of Knowledge

Moved by the idea of “mindset matters,” the first principle of knowledge was covered by contemplative artist, meditation guide, mindfulness instructor, and creative strategist Kenji “Zen” Summers. With 1,759 consecutive days of meditation under his belt (and counting), Kenji took us all through a powerful meditation exercise to assist all attendees in grounding themselves to the present moment.

Bombarded by distractions all day long (in the form of social media, news, ads, etc.), Kenji went on to share that mindfulness is about extending the space between stimulus and your response to it, so that you can return to yourself. Stic added that knowledge is the foundation principle, and it’s important to understand what’s going on in the mind as it will truly shape the overall mindset. If we know ourselves enough, we can use discernment to properly add and remove things to truly live our best lives.

A group of speakers at stic's wellness book launch in Brooklyn
ANGIELMV The event featured a number of expert speakers

2 – Principle of Nutrition

Known for being one of the most important pillars for overall health and wellbeing, guest speaker Charlise “Vegansoulicous” Rookwood was next up, sharing her wisdom on the second principle: nutrition.

What is unique about Charlise’s journey is that nutrition for her comes, sadly, from a place of survival, losing four relatives to stomach cancer. This experience armed Charlise with the knowledge of how vegan foods can be used not only for health, but also in creative and delicious ways that honor her Jamaican and Mauritian roots (and if you do not know that Jamaican and Mauritian foods are amazing by now, you are truly missing out).

Shocked by the lack of access to education available to the Black community worldwide (particularly in America), Charlise longed to create a space that the community can relate to without mundanely lecturing anyone into a healthy lifestyle. Being super intentional with the idea of veganizing Jamaican and African food, her show The Black Vegan Cooking Show was born.

Stic veggie-backed on the subject of nutrition to share that his journey started at age 21 when he was diagnosed with gout (from living an unhealthy life, he said). He realized that some major changes needed to be made and was inspired by his son’s mom, who shared that the body could heal itself given the proper tools to balance itself out. Stic stressed that we must be diligent to find out which plant-based foods are best for our bodies.

To paraphrase further, health and healing are not necessarily a one-size-fits-all approach. We are all unique in our own ways with different health and medical histories, and it’s important we find out what can serve us properly for optimum health.

3 – Principle of Fitness

Calisthenics legend and special guest G.I.A.N.T (Hassan Yasiin) of the Bartendaz led the discussion for fitness, which is the third principle featured in The 5 Principles book.

He mentioned that the general public do try to figure out how to get their bodies moving, but are often met with feelings of dread. This feeling comes from the fear of not knowing how to perform movements properly, fear of failure, a lack of motivation/understanding and more.

What G.I.A.N.T said next was so revolutionary and overlooked that it made fitness seem very simple. He shared that fitness is simply movement. It is the universe’s movement because we are all pieces of it. We can find movement all around us from the cellular level (within us) and scaling that all the way outward to a planetary/universal level.

When it comes to fitness, movement first starts in the mind. If we can somehow turn off the TV, put the cell phones down, and learn how to move ourselves and the mind, then everything else in the universe will move with us. Applying this idea to actual fitness, G.I.A.N.T said that pull-ups allow us to pull ourselves up and get closer to the universe. We can also push up past negativity.

We should move and live our lives with the goal of being functional in our individual and unique bodies. The challenge is to think healthy thoughts which will lead to a healthier lifestyle which leads to healthier movements (movement of the mind, body, and more).

4- Principle of Rest

Reiki practitioner, initiated medicine woman, and founder of holistic healing group Minka Brooklyn, Aki Hirata Baker was next up to share what she’s learned via the fourth principle of rest. She encouraged us all to think about how we can pivot away from the idea that rest is necessary simply because of energetic depletion. And, how we can address the ways in which our minds are constantly pushing to achieve more, because we are collectively conditioned to feel like we are never enough.

She further explained that the Earth and nature provide us all with the resources we need to feel rested. Sadly, the fruits of colonization worldwide drill down the notion that we must continue to chase our goals, or else we will never be enough.

When it comes to ideas, material things, and actions, Aki asked us, what things can we leave behind so that we can start to truly rest?

Many of us are either active “grind-aholics” or recovering “grind-aholics.” In the busyness of our day-to-day lives, we do not often think about how we can respect rest in a way that gives our life energy a chance to catch up and replenish itself. To close out this segment, Aki taught us a form of Japanese intentional breathing for de-stressing called “ibuki.”

stic's book on the five principles of wellness
ANGIELMV Stic’s book outlines the five principles of wellness

5- Principle of Consistency

Stic was the highlight of the panel discussion as host Marlon Rice steered the conversation his way to speak on the fifth pillar of consistency. Stic spoke about the ways in which he places things in his toolbox to stay inspired and consistent.

He revealed CT. Fletcher, David Goggins, and G.I.A.N.T are three people he follows to stay inspired via talks, videos, books, and more. Additionally, Stic went into the idea of finding a community – a friend or tribe of like-minded individuals who have similar interests and ideas that you have.

Consistency helps with building a community of support and vice versa. This community can help make sure you are consistent for your personal desires and goals. They will be accountable as your support system so that you can achieve what it is your mind has set out to do. 

What was compelling about the this portion of the panel was that Aki shared how consistency is a bit malleable, adaptive, and looks very different for her. Consistency for her means acceptance that she is a multifaceted, curious, and spiritual person that needs the ability to frequently switch things up to explore other ideas, actions, etc. for balance.

I think a lot of us have curious minds, and it was affirming to hear that we shouldn’t default to beating ourselves up for not sticking to one thing for very long periods of time. As long as the parameters are healthy, it is okay to be consistent in exploring new or different things. After all, life is about learning and the only way to learn is to be open to exploring new things, ideas, etc.


Currently, Stic and his team are looking to bring the “STRIVE FOR FIVE” book tour to LA, Atlanta, Oakland, Denver, and Miami. His overall hope/aim for his book is to help inspire healthy living. I truly feel he’s off to a great start, especially with such an incredible event in Brooklyn to kick things off. He brought together a cast of guest speakers who have all been pillars and leaders in the health and wellness communities online and offline for years.

This by far was one of the most potent and diverse conversations that I have ever experienced. It added tremendous value to his book release and additionally to the lives of all of the attendees as countless conversations anchored in love and enthusiasm sparked as soon as the panel discussion ended. Even if you didn’t get a copy of the book that day, the level of wisdom and love that was poured into you as an attendee listening to the discussion was truly nurturing. Authors who do very insightful events like these make you want to be their customers for life.

Those interested can purchase The 5 Principles: A Revolutionary Path to Health, Inner Wealth, and Knowledge of Self here

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Merriam-Webster Adds ‘Plant-Based’ And ‘Oat Milk’ To The Dictionary Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:15:05 +0000 A number of new terms have been added to the English dictionary, including 'greenwashing'

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Terms including “plant-based” and “oat milk” have officially been added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. 

Plant-based, which is thought to have been first used in language in 1960, is given two definitions in the dictionary. 

The first is “made or derived from plants,” and the dictionary cites “plant-based burger” as an example. The second definition is “consisting primarily or entirely of food (such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, oils, and beans) derived from plants.” 

Merriam-Webster defines oat milk as “a liquid made from ground oats and water that is usually fortified (as with calcium and vitamins) and used as a milk substitute.” The first known use of the term oat milk was in the 1980s. 

The two terms fall under the food category, and have been added alongside the popular autumn flavor “pumpkin spice.” 

In addition to this, Merriam-Webster has also added “greenwashing.” This denotes the process of attempting to make something appear more environmentally friendly than it actually is. 

The history of Merriam-Webster

Merriam-Webster has been publishing dictionaries since 1847, and first launched its online version in 1996. 

The dictionary is regularly updated with new words and phrases, and in recent years additions have included “selfie,” “cancel culture,” and “hygge.”

This year’s 370 new words and terms also include “booster dose,” “sus,” and “lewk.”

“The dictionary chronicles how the language grows and changes, which means new words and definitions must continually be added,” reads a statement from Merriam-Webster. “When many people use a word in the same way, over a long enough period of time, that word becomes eligible for inclusion.”

The rise of the plant-based movement

The new additions were undoubtedly prompted by the rise of plant-based eating. This year saw a huge 629,000 people sign up for Veganuary, up from 580,000 the previous year. 

According to research from 2021, there are approximately 79 million vegans in the world. 

Oat milk has also seen a staggering increase in popularity, with sales doubling from 2019 to 2020. The oat milk industry alone has been forecast to be worth $6.45 billion by 2028.

The drink is hugely popular among vegans and non-vegans alike.

A study published earlier this year even found that almost half of Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) felt shame when ordering dairy milk. The study also found that more than half intended to give it up over the next year. 

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This Cookbook Celebrates Orthodox Plant-Based Food Thu, 12 May 2022 13:43:47 +0000 Hayden says many people in Orthodox countries eat plant-based food around 200 days a year

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Georgina Hayden, an award-winning Greek-Cypriot chef and food writer, shares plant-based fasting recipes in her new cookbook Nistisima.

Greek for “fasting food,” Nistisima offers an insight into dishes eaten during Lent and other Orthodox fasting periods. According to Hayden, Cypriots go without meat for a number of days during these periods. This includes the 50 days before Easter, 50 days before Christmas, and every Wednesday and Friday.

“Many people think of Greek and Cypriot food as meat-focused, but we actually spend about 200 days a year eating plant-based food. That’s because Cyprus and Greece are Orthodox countries,” Hayden explained to Plant Based News.

Georgina Hayden
Georgina Hayden Hayden spoke to Plant Based News about religion, food, and her new cookbook.

While many think of fasting as giving up food completely, in the Orthodox Church, it involves giving up meat and dairy and, instead, using vegetables, grains, and pulses to create simple plant-based dishes. While there are some exceptions (honey and shellfish), people typically eat a fully plant-based diet when fasting.  

Hayden said: “Of course, my background is Greek Cypriot, but the Orthodox Church is prominent throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East. There are so many dishes and so much food from these places that are naturally vegan.”

The chef’s research for Nistisima was extensive. She reached out to monks, priests, and religious friends from across the world, which helped her develop 120 naturally vegan recipes for the cookbook.

The dishes originate from the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Eastern Europe. But instead of using plant-based meat or vegan cheese, Hayden relies on centuries-old whole food ingredients, like lentils, for example.

Plant-based diets and religion

While veganism may seem like a relatively new concept, accounts of eating plant-based can be traced back thousands of years — way before nut milk was even a thing.

Plant-based diets were typical in parts of Africa, India, and parts of the Mediterranean about 2,000 years ago. And as well as the Orthodox Church, plant-based eating is deeply rooted in various religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. 

Hinduism’s strong tradition of vegetarianism stems from spiritual practice and the reverence for the sacred cow. Similarly, in Buddhism, one of Buddha’s teachings prohibits taking the life of any person or animal. Many Buddhists, therefore, do not consume animals, as doing so would require killing.

One of the key principles of Jainism is to avoid harming any living things, even the very small ones. Many Jains are strict vegetarians that abstain from even root vegetables (as harvesting potentially harms the insects in the soil). All three religions believe in Ahimsa, which means to practice kindness and non-violence towards living beings. 

To learn more about the Orthodox faith and its link to plant-based eating, Nistisima is available to buy now.

According to celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, alongside “mouthwatering recipes” the book also offers readers “beautiful storytelling.” Itamar Srulovic, the co-founder of popular London Middle Eastern restaurant Honey & Co, adds: “This book is the sunny window that everyone needs.”

If you purchase something through a link on our site, Plant Based News (PBN) may earn a commission, which helps us to provide our free services to millions of people each week. All linked products are vegan, and are curated by the PBN team.

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Earthling Ed Debuts 1st Book, Giving ‘Full Lowdown’ On Meat Industry Thu, 23 Sep 2021 17:02:27 +0000 The post Earthling Ed Debuts 1st Book, Giving ‘Full Lowdown’ On Meat Industry appeared first on Plant Based News.

Renowned animal rights activist Ed Winters, aka Earthling Ed, is debuting his first book, promising to provide the ‘full lowdown’ on the meat industry.

Upon the launch announcement today, This Is Vegan Propaganda & Other Lies the Meat Industry Tells You is an amalgamation of Winters’ years of conversations with leading experts.

Earthling Ed’s debut book

Aimed at both vegans and non-vegans, the book is set to expose not only the meat industry but the global impact of animal exploitation.

Moreover, it’s a ‘definitive explanation for the importance of veganism’, Winters told PBN in a statement.

He added: “My aim is for the book to give readers the knowledge to understand veganism better, the arguments used against it – and how to respond to them. I wrote This Is Vegan Propaganda to create a book about veganism that is important for everyone to read.”

First of all, it will explore the ethics of veganism, from moral philosophy to an investigation into animal agriculture. Next, it delves into how animal farming affects our health and the environment on a global scale.

It also brings the COVID-19 pandemic into perspective, examining infectious disease and antibiotic resistance.

Earthling Ed is a dedicated and passionate vegan activist

Activist Ed Winters

Winters’ book has already been dubbed ‘essential reading’ by the best-selling author Matt Haig. And, received support from Harry Potter’s Evanna Lynch.

Additionally, it’s been backed by Havard University lecturer Dr. Sparsha Saha who was ‘deeply impressed’ by Winters’ logic and knowledge.

The ‘comprehensive breakdown’ on the many reasons for going vegan is to be published by Penguin Random House.

Samantha Jackson, of the acclaimed global publishing house, said: “From debating with farmers on the ethics of the meat, dairy and egg industries to giving lectures at Harvard University on animal ethics, vegan educator and public speaker, Ed Winters works tirelessly to help people make informed decisions and challenge the status quo. 

“We are so excited to be publishing his first book. Designed to empower readers and shed light on the true scale and complexity of animal exploitation. 

“Whether you are a vegan already or curious to learn more, this book will show you the other side of the story that has been hidden for far too long.”

You can pre-order This Is Vegan Propaganda here, or find it in bookstores on January 6 2022

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Book Release Seeks To ‘Dispel Myths’ About Black Masculinity And Veganism Sat, 20 Mar 2021 12:27:16 +0000 The post Book Release Seeks To ‘Dispel Myths’ About Black Masculinity And Veganism appeared first on Plant Based News.

A recently published book titled Brotha Vegan is seeking to ‘dispel the myths’ about Black masculinity and Black cultures, and how it intersections with veganism.

It covers food, identity, health, and society. This is from the perspectives of 27 Black men – including athletes, doctors, and spiritual leaders.

Black masculinity

Brotha Vegan ‘provides theories manifested by Black people for Black people, during a time where we are revisiting Black liberation’, says editor Omowale Adewale.

It delves into fatherhood, politics, sexuality, gender, health, animal advocacy, and the environment. Omowale says it expresses ‘the many ways that veganism is lived and expressed within the Black community in the US’. This is as eating animals has been widely considered an ‘integral’ part of Black manhood.

Brotha Vegan

Brotha Vegan, which was released last month, is a collection of the experiences of Black men

In the book, the contributors, which include trans men, share their relationships with animals.

Moreover, they speak out on how they ‘honor’ their Black culture through veganism. One chapter sees how the relationship between a man and his dog led to him becoming a physician.

Plant-based politician Eric Adams features in another chapter, and discusses policing and COVID-19. He writes: ‘We need to learn how to communicate with each other, we need to learn how to listen…we’re still experiencing the trauma of slavery and racism in our lives, at I believe, a cellular level.”

At the heart of healing, he explains, is the food we eat.


Omowale is also the founder of Black VegFest, which is a network of African American festivals that celebrate veganism and social justice. The boxing coach and former athlete hopes to continue to inspire Black people to go vegan.

I wanted to support my community in the most incredible way possible – and still be able to defend animals’, Omowale said on an Instagram Live with Plant Based News. He added: “I knew my community would resonate with veganism.”

You can order Brotha Vegan here. Find out more information about Black VegFest here.

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NY Times Bestseller Dr. Michael Greger To Launch New Book ‘How Not To Age’ Tue, 09 Feb 2021 15:22:49 +0000 Acclaimed physician Dr. Michael Greger has announced the release of his latest book How Not To Age - which is slated to debut next year

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Dr. Michael Greger is releasing a new book titled How Not To Age

The New York Times bestseller and acclaimed physician announced the news in a recent YouTube video

‘How Not To Age’

He said: “I’m Dr. Michael Greger, coming to you live from my treadmill, from my new place in Seattle where I’m sheltering until the world opens back up.

“I’m working on my new book How Not To Age – the latest in longevity research. There’s tons of research, but I should be able to get out the book by December 2022.

“Hopefully, by then, I’ll be able to resume my speaking schedule and come to your hometown in 2023.

“To help keep you satiated until then, my new How Not To Diet cookbook just came out last month following How To Survive a Pandemic which came out in august and unfortunately continues to be relevant.

Dr. Greger added that proceeds from all of his book are donated to charity. 

Dr. Greger

Last year, Dr. Greger warned the COVID-19 pandemic may just be a ‘dress rehearsal for the coming plague’.

The physician, who also has a background in infectious disease, made the comment in his book How To Survive a Pandemic

In a promotional video for the book, he says: “The current COVID-19 pandemic, as deadly as it may be, may just be a dress rehearsal for the coming plague.

“Decades ago, a flu virus was discovered in chickens that would forever change our understanding of how bad pandemics could potentially get. H5N1 appeared capable of killing more than half the people it infected. 

“Imagine if a virus like that started spreading explosively human to human. Consider a pandemic 100-times worse than COVID-19, not the fatality rate of two in 100… But more like one in two. A coin toss.”

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Nutritionist Simon Hill Releases Book On How A Plant-Based Diet ‘Could Save Your Life’ Tue, 02 Feb 2021 13:50:24 +0000 Founder of the Plant Proof podcast Nutritionist Simon Hill has secured a book deal with major publishing house Penguin

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Nutritionist and physiotherapist Simon Hill is releasing a book on how a plant-based diet ‘could save your life’. 

Hill, who is the founder of the popular podcast Plant Proof, has secured a deal with major publishing house Penguin.

Simon Hill’s book

The Proof is in the Plants is filled with ‘evidence-based research’. The book shows that a whole-food plant-based diet can reduce the risks of issues such as heart attacks and strokes.

It also covers how plant-based living has a ‘positive impact on the climate and animal welfare’. Moreover, it breaks down how to build a ‘healthy, satisfying plant-based plate’. 

The book shows that a whole-food plant-based diet can reduce the risks of issues such as heart attacks and strokes.

‘An accessible guide to plant-based living’

In a statement sent to PBN, Penguin states: “The Proof is in the Plants dives deep into not just how but why plant-based lifestyles are beneficial to our health and our planet. 

“Hill explores the structure and history of our food environment, the food and health industries, and their for-profit agenda, the impact of our dietary choices from red meat to dairy. And, how we can take the steps to make meaningful changes for our health and our planet. 

“As both a foundational text packed with fascinating evidence-based research and an accessible guide to living a plant-based life, Simon has interpreted the science to give us the unadulterated facts.”

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD MSCI is New York Times bestselling author of Fiber Fueled. He added: “The Proof is in the Plants is a triumphant tour de force of modern nutritional science that delivers the knowledge and actionable steps that we all need for human and planetary health… 

“It’s captivating, eye-opening, and life-changing.”

You can pre-order The Proof is in the Plants here

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School Kids To Recieve Free Vegan Book For Christmas To ‘Inspire Compassion for Animals’ Tue, 08 Dec 2020 10:58:50 +0000 'Animals cannot speak for themselves, and the only way we can help animal-kind in the long term is by educating the young'

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School kids in Gloucestershire, England, will receive a free book this Christmas to help ‘inspire compassion for animals’. 

Hekmat Kaveh – a retired architect, and Father of three vegan daughters – has donated more than 100 copies of Animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries About Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion – which is written by PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk 

The book shows how our. ‘modern world is leaving animal exploitation in the dust’ and offers ‘easy steps’ to show readers how they can ‘help make the world a kinder place’ no matter their income or occupation.

‘Educating the young’

“Animals cannot speak for themselves, and the only way we can help animal-kind in the long term is by educating the young,” Kaveh said.

“As an educationalist, I believe that books will have a longer impression than social media and advertising, as they will remain in libraries, in schools, and on coffee tables for many years. 

“I taught my girls about animal cruelty, and the care and compassion we need to show animals, from a very young age. Each of them has become a more caring and loving individual as a result.”


Kaveh continued: “I believe respect for life in all of its forms, human and otherwise, will teach us to understand life’s struggles, and as a result, we will have more empathy and understanding for those who have suffered all forms of inequality – and this will make us all better human beings.”

PETA Director Elisa Allen added: “Thanks to Mr Kaveh’s generosity, the message of Animalkind – that animals are awe-inspiring fellow members of the ‘great orchestra of life’, who deserve to live free from harm – will now be reaching people all over Gloucestershire.”

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Joaquin Phoenix-Backed Book ‘Fearlessly’ Documents ‘Humanity’s Worst Atrocities’ Through Images Tue, 17 Nov 2020 17:05:39 +0000 HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene is written by award-winning photojournalists Jo-Anne McArthur and Keith Wilson

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HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene debuts today.

Award-winning photojournalists Jo-Anne McArthur and Keith Wilson co-edit the book. It documents ‘animals hidden from public view in the food system, entertainment, research, religion, and tradition’. 

HIDDEN contains a foreword penned by actor and vegan advocate Joaquin Phoenix . It is a 320-page collectible hardcover  featuring 200 images from 40 international photographers.

‘Valuable insight’

In a statement sent to Plant Based News, McArthur said the photos ‘prove there is an emergency confronting animals globally’.

She also said the book provides ‘valuable insight into the relevance of animal suffering to human health’.

Wilson added: “The animals we breed, sell and kill for our dinner plate. The animals we break and maim for sport and tradition, share many of the same emotions that we do… Sadness and joy, pain and fear, love and grief.”

Hidden debuted today

‘A searing reminder’

“The photojournalists represented in HIDDEN have entered some of the darkest, most unsettling places in the world,” said Phoenix. 

“The images they have captured are a searing reminder of our unpardonable behavior towards animals. [It] will serve as beacons of change for years to come.”

What is Anthropocene?

 Hidden’s title uses the term Anthropocene. This defines ‘Earth’s most recent geologic time period as being human-influenced’.

It is based on global evidence that processes such as ‘atmospheric, geologic, hydrologic, and biospheric are now altered by humans’. 

You can purchase HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene here

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‘Made In Chelsea’ Star Lucy Watson To Publish Book On Veganism Sun, 30 Aug 2020 13:20:35 +0000 http://ci026de5676000272b The post ‘Made In Chelsea’ Star Lucy Watson To Publish Book On Veganism appeared first on Plant Based News.


Reality T.V star and animal-rights advocate Lucy Watson is publishing a book on veganism entitled Awakenings: a guide to living a consciously ethical, holistically vegan lifestyle.

The celeb, who is best known for her appearance on Made In Chelsea, announced the news on Instagram.

‘Factual discoveries’

“There were some good things to come out of lockdown… I WROTE A BOOK! Awakenings is now available to pre-order!” Watson said.

“[It’s] all about a vegan lifestyle, the reasons why, the education behind it and so much more. I spent months writing this book and learned so much along the way.

“I talk about my personal experiences as well as touch on some factual discoveries. I really hope it helps those that are curious about what a vegan lifestyle entails and that it can help guide you on your journey.”

‘A truly vegan lifestyle’

“A truly vegan lifestyle is more than just the food you eat, it’s the shoes on your feet, the jumpers in your wardrobe, the contents of your cupboards and your make-up bag,” the book’s description reads.

“Whether vegan for moral, ethical, or environmental reasons – Lucy Watson demystifies how to live a holistic vegan life, whether it’s something you’ve been practising for years or is a way of life you’re just discovering.”

You can pre-order Awakenings on Amazon here

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Plant-Based Writer Shortlisted For Major Award After Publishing Book Centered On Veganism Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:31:46 +0000 http://ci026da720e00025c4 The post Plant-Based Writer Shortlisted For Major Award After Publishing Book Centered On Veganism appeared first on Plant Based News.


Plant-based writer Richard Owain Roberts has been shortlisted for a major award after publishing his debut novel Hello Friend We Missed You.

The book, which has been put forward for the Guardian’s ‘Not The Booker’ award has been described as a ‘darkly funny novel featuring a cast of characters at different stages in their vegan journey’.

‘Spiritual vegan’

Hello Friend We Missed You follows the story of Hill, a 30-something ‘spiritual vegan’ who has struck a movie deal with Hollywood star Jack Black, only for the project to end up ‘stuck in development hell’.

The novel also sees Hill’s estranged father Roger discover the world of celebrity vegans later in life.

‘Veganism has been transformative’

Speaking to Plant Based News, Roberts said: “On a personal level, veganism has been transformative for me, and I feel glad it can find its way into my work as a writer.

“I hope many people, vegans, and not-vegans-yet, can enjoy Hello Friend We Missed You and laugh, find it emotional, and see if it gives them things to consider about how they live and how they can be happiest in the world.”

You can order Hello Friend We Missed You on Amazon here

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BOSH! Ranked In Top 50 U.K Cookbooks Of All Time After Hitting 300,000 Sales Sun, 05 Jul 2020 13:10:20 +0000 http://ci026948011000263a The post BOSH! Ranked In Top 50 U.K Cookbooks Of All Time After Hitting 300,000 Sales appeared first on Plant Based News.


The duo behind viral vegan food sensation BOSH! have announced their first vegan cookbook has sold 300,000 copies – officially entering the top 50 U.K cookbooks of all time.

Henry Firth and Ian Theasby released BOSH!: Simple recipes. Unbelievable results. All plants back in two years ago. It went on to become 2018’s fastest-selling cookbook and the fastest-selling vegan cookbook since records began, racking up a number of week’s atop The Sunday Times’ bestseller list.

‘Crazy adventure’

Announcing the news on Instagram, the pair said: “When we started BOSH! we had no idea where this crazy adventure would take us.

“This week we got the news that our first cookbook has hit 300,000 sales, and is officially in the top 50 U.K cookbooks OF ALL TIME!

“We wanted to send a mega big thank you to everyone that has supported us, bought a book, watched a video, left a comment, or cooked a recipe, BOSH! would not be BOSH! without your support.”

TV show

As well as making their mark on the publishing world, Firth and Theasby recently debuted their all-vegan cookery show Living On The Veg, which was created by Rock Oyster Media for ITV Daytime Entertainment.

Speaking about the Sunday morning show, the pair said: “We’ll be sharing our top hacks and tips so that you can wow any dish. Whether you’re a fully-fledged vegan or just want to cut down on meat and dairy, this series will have something for everyone.”

You can purchase BOSH!’s cookbook here

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Vegan Strongman Launches Fundraiser To Release Comic Book On Animal-Rights Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:42:38 +0000 http://ci02680b2db0002799 The post Vegan Strongman Launches Fundraiser To Release Comic Book On Animal-Rights appeared first on Plant Based News.


Vegan strongman Patrik Baboumian has launched a 40-day fundraiser to release Earthraiser: Voice of the Voiceless – an ‘animal-rights themed comic book’ illustrated by David Padilla.

The athlete, who featured in the acclaimed documentary The Game Changers, has already exceeded his original fundraising goal – receiving more than £14,000 ($17,288) in donations.

‘A badass hero’

“I was always a bit disappointed that there was no popular comic book with an animal rights theme and a badass hero with fantastic powers,” Baboumian wrote.

“Sure, there are a number of vegan-comic book heroes, but as a true comic enthusiast, I have to tell you that a super-hero whose defining characteristic is his diet is not very compelling to the non-vegan general audience.”


Baboumian said he wanted to depict his message in a way that wouldn’t alienate non-vegans, stating all animals ‘deserve a hero powerful enough to create real change and that is only possible by appealing to a broad audience’.

“Instead of emphasizing veganism, I put the emphasis on the actual problem that has to be solved: suffering!” he said.

“What if there were a hero whose superpower (rather his curse) was that he would inadvertently feel the suffering of others as if it was his own. This would force our hero to fight against that which unnecessarily creates suffering in the world.”

You can find out more about the project here

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Plant-Based Experts Hit New York Time’s Bestseller List With ‘Mastering Diabetes’ Mon, 02 Mar 2020 10:53:55 +0000 http://ci025ef98570002697 The post Plant-Based Experts Hit New York Time’s Bestseller List With ‘Mastering Diabetes’ appeared first on Plant Based News.


Plant-based experts MPH Robby Barbaro and Ph.D. Cyrus Khambatta have hit New York Time’s Bestsellers list* with their book Mastering Diabetes.

The duo, who were both previously diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, promote a ‘carbohydrate rich diet’ opposed to ‘current medical guidelines, which advises those with diabetes to eat a low-carb, high-fat diet’.

Their method is said to decrease overall chronic disease as well as maximize life expectancy for people living with Type 1, Type 1.5, Type 2, Prediabetes, and Gestational Type Diabetes.

‘Incredibly grateful’

In a statement sent to Plant Based News, Barbaro said: “[We’re] incredibly grateful for so much support from the plant-based community; incredibly grateful for all our clients who are living, breathing examples of how effective the Mastering Diabetes Method truly is at reversing insulin resistance.

“Our small but mighty community is well on its way to changing the paradigm of how diabetes is treated.”

‘Food as medicine’

Cyrus, who said he wanted to become a top-selling author since he was a child, added: “Now that we’re officially New York Times bestsellers, it’s surreal and still hasn’t quite sunk in yet. The most important thing about becoming a bestseller is that this status will help this book permeate society farther, by reaching more book stores, more online outlets, and more media.

“Robby and I care most about teaching people the truth about diabetes and providing them with the tools to make lifestyle changes that actually work.

“This book contains everything that someone with any form of diabetes requires to maximize their metabolic health using their food as medicine.”

*Mastering Diabetes currently ranks sixth on the New York Times Bestsellers list ‘Advice, How-to and Miscellaneous’.

You can purchase Mastering Diabetes here

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